“The Pod Leader Program”

Intro image light Assurance blue.png

We had to work fast and stay nimble throughout the project.







The Riddle

Assurance employs independent contractors as insurance agents. They were in need of marketing materials to introduce an exciting new internal opportunity: the Pod Leader program.

Needs included:

  • a landing page where both prospective and existing agents could learn about the benefits and requirements for joining the program, which also served as the funnel for the program’s application process.

  • multiple sales sheets — one providing a general overview of the program, and the other providing more granular compensation details — that they could easily distribute internally via email, download, or print.

  • introductory emails, job postings, and general talking points.

Assurance was just beginning to roll out this program, so some changes were still occurring in real-time.

Clyde Golden would have to work fast and stay nimble on its feet throughout the project.


Our Strategy

We pride ourselves on our ability to learn your business thoroughly, and then work quickly.

Up first, our team met with Pod Leader program managers at Assurance to establish:

  • how the program works

  • factors and benefits that make the program appealing to agents

  • answers to questions that interested agents might ask (FAQ’s)

  • specific program details that needed to be mentioned in each deliverable

Our copywriter and strategist work together to distill this information into messaging for our design team to use as a foundation when building the landing page and sales sheets.

For us, it’s always important to early on to learn the nitty-gritty ‘truth’ of a product. For instance, writing out an answer to a FAQ on the landing page can help you realize that there is a related point left unaddressed elsewhere. We chase loose ends like these throughout the project to ensure agents have all they need to make an informed decision about the program — and feel confident about signing up.

Flexibility is especially important during a product debut. Often, seeing a product come to life through copy and visuals inspires the client to make revisions to their previous plans. We worked through multiple iterations with Assurance directly in a short time frame to help fine-tune their messaging for this program.

Once the designs were finalized, we partnered with Assurance’s internal resources to have the landing page coded and developed, as well as handed off the sales sheets for internal distribution.


What We Made

Landing Page devices Assurance light blue.png

Landing page for Pod Leader program

Sales Sheets 4.png

Project Results

Created in approximately 2 weeks, these materials are now live and attracting experienced Medicare agents for Assurance’s Pod Leader Program.

About Clyde Golden

Clyde Golden is an email & SMS marketing agency in Seattle. We’re here to help you create thoughtful and relevant messages that leads your prospects through the buyer journey and on to a long-lasting relationship with your brand.